Here is a brief article on Star Tribue about me and why I am committed to focus on resiliency and beauty. With the help of God, I have inner & outer beauty and willing to stand for others healing.
Here is also comment on the article from few of people that know my personal experience.
As a Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia in the 1960's I was very aware of the low status of women. When I became Tsehai Wodajo's graduate social work field work supervisor in the 1990's, I was not surprised to hear her story of intimidation and abuse, and I was inspired by her desire and courage to break the cycle of abuse. As she dealt with that abuse over time and separated herself from it, she gradually became a strong voice for women. In 2004, with other women here, she began an organization, Resources for the Enrichment of African Lives (REAL), to educate girls in Ethiopia. Through education, the bent heads and dismal futures of 150 very poor, bright girls have been replaced by upraised heads, smiles, and promising futures. Beginning the program at 6th through 8th grade, some of the girls are now attending the universities in Ethiopia. This is the result of a woman saying "no" to abuse and moving forward to change the lives of others. The event on February 25-26 is an emphatic "yes" for all women & not to be missed! ealfriendFeb. 15, 1210:05 AM
Thank you for your courage and willingness to speak powerfully for those who cannot... to acknowledge the past and be proud of the ground gained... to focus on the future, one where all humans can stand side by side, heads held high, partners in creating a environment of honor, health and well being... and for celebrating the beauty and grace of women and girls in a way that allows us to celebrate together (all our beauty). Looking forward to this ground-breaking event!
wisefriendFeb. 15, 1212:35 PM
blavalleurFeb. 15, 1211:06 AM
I'm proud of my friend, Tsehai, whose courage is inspiring and whose powerful stand for justice and equality makes a difference in the world. Thanks for sharing this remarkable woman's story.
tsehaiwFeb. 17, 12 7:59 AM
Thank you my friends for your encouraging comments. I have been so blessed over the years to be able to accept and give love to everything around me to the best of my ability. God helped me to prevail far beyond I expected and I asked for. Having three amazing children who no matter what endured and loved their father and I. I wanted and got the experience of them loving both of us just the way we are and the way we are not. This is the best gift of all and important to me more than anything else. Now, I feel that the universe is aligned that I speak about this from living the past in the past, yet to be inspirational for women and communities to open their eyes and address this issues.
Thank you my friends for your encouraging comments. I have been so blessed over the years to be able to accept and give love to everything around me to the best of my ability. God helped me to prevail far beyond I expected and I asked for. Having three amazing children who no matter what endured and loved their father and I. I wanted and got the experience of them loving both of us just the way we are and the way we are not. This is the best gift of all and important to me more than anything else. Now, I feel that the universe is aligned that I speak about this from living the past in the past, yet to be inspirational for women and communities to open their eyes and address this issues.