Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Seventh Annual Spring Celebration and Fundraiser

Hello Dear Sponsors and Supports of REAL girls,

"Educate a Girl & Transform a Nation", what a great motto!
REAL(Resources for the Enrichment of African Lives) is indeed heading towards accomplishing this with one girl, one family and community at a time. I am back from my three weeks visit to nine locations in Ethiopia. The girls in the program are excelling in their academic education, life skills and financial self sufficiency... thank you to the girls sponsors and our supporters. It is amazing to witness what one dollar a day can do. Just to name few accomplishments:three pursuing engineering degree, one medical doctor, three pursuing teaching diploma, nine pursuing diploma in different fields, seven in university in different fields of study. eight graduated in teaching, nursing, accounting and other fields of study and most of them employed. We will have two degree graduates by the end of this school year. One in sociology and one in nursing. I am so blown away in their assertiveness and resiliency. Please join us for our annual fundraiser and celebration on May 12, 2012 from 5:30-9pm to take place at Augsburg College Christensen Center. This an event not to be missed! It is only $40 per person. We will have a silent auction again this year. A lot of beautiful items for sale. You can be a full or half table champion that seats 8 people. We depend on you and your friends. Please help to get the word out and send in your reservation to avoid long line. For more information, please call 612-724-2096 or email